Margery Taylor Greene’s Real Problem
There’s been speculation that Margery Taylor Greene is feeling short-changed by her exclusion from a noteworthy position in the 47th president’s administration. I can understand her frustration. I believe Ms. Greene is a True Believer of 47’s political claims. She does believe that poor non-white/non-citizens are an existential threat to the US. She does love White Evangelical Christianity and the bible myths the way that 47 claims to when it suits him. I believe that she truly (and rightly) sees 47 as the way to create the white nationalist USA she so clearly and earnestly desires. As objectionable as her beliefs are, I believe she holds them earnestly. And if 47 held them earnestly, she would very likely sit at the head of some important post in his administration. Something like Secretary of Education, or some newly formed department like The Department of White Jesus.
She certainly passes all the loyalty tests, including gleefully debasing herself by grabbing at the crotch of a cutout of 47. She exhibits exactly the kind of moxie for sycophancy the 47 values. In her heart, MTG is exactly what the current president elect prefers to surround himself with: disposable, willing victims.
Unfortunate for her, what is in her heart of any woman is meaningless to 47. Ms. Greens’ shortcomings are abundantly clear: her looks disqualify her from a high-ranking position in Admin 47. Summarized in appropriately sexist terms by Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett, MTG’s Bleached Blond Bad Built Butch Body (B6) does not make her the kind of woman that 47 wants to s*xually assault, and that is the only type of woman that he will hire. To be fair, 47 likely prefers B1 and B2 (Bleached Blond) to any hair color, including Natural Blond, but she also doesn’t coif herself well enough. Her hair isn’t shiny and lustrous enough. Physically, Ms. Green’s horizontal dimensions are far too large in proportion to her vertical dimensions to be acceptable to 47. The skin on her face is not smooth enough, nor is her nose straight enough. She will never be a person who is valued by 47 for any amount of time longer that it takes for him to give her a little false hope in order to get something from her that he can’t automatically compel.
It's almost certain that this is fortunate for Ms. Greene, as the people who do achieve status with 47 end up financially bankrupt or incarcerated. I hope for her sake that she can find some solace in the knowledge that she does remain a useful instrumentality to him. As long as she has that she doesn’t have to experience the inner void that 47 fills in her. I can’t imaging the depth of emotional pain she is avoid with her obsession. For her, being next to nothing to 47 is preferable to being nothing.